Recent News


Otc, 2024

One paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology! (SCI, CCF B, Impact Factor: 8.4).

Sep, 2024

Awarded the Gansu Province Natural Science Award (Second Class, 4/5)!

Sep, 2024

Two papers accepted by ACCV 2024!

Sep, 2024

Grant a Chinese technology invention patent!

Aug, 2024

Selected for the BSIG2024 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award!

Jul, 2024

One paper accepted by ACM MM 2024! (CCF A Top Conference).

Jul, 2024

Sponsored by the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program of CPSF (B-level, 1,000 postdocs annually).

Mar, 2024

One paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence! (SCI, CCF A, Impact Factor: 24.314).

Mar, 2024

One paper (Creative Sketches) accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing! (SCI, CCF A, Impact Factor: 10.6)

Feb, 2024

One paper (DemoFusion) accepted by CVPR 2024! (CCF A Top Conference)


Dec, 2023

We're thrilled to announce a major milestone for our open-source project, DemoFusion: We've just surpassed 1,000 stars on GitHub! 🚀 [Star History] [Projet Page]

Nov, 2023

One paper titled "DemoFusion: Democratising High-Resolution Image Generation With No $$$" released on arXiv! [PDF] [Code] [Projet Page] [Demo Video] [Online demo]

Oct, 2023

One paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology! (SCI, CCF B, Impact Factor: 8.4).

Sep, 2023

One paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence! (SCI, CCF A, Impact Factor: 24.314).

Aug, 2023

One paper accepted by APSIPA ASC 2023!

Jul, 2023

One paper accepted by ICCV 2023! (CCF A Top Conference)

Jul, 2023

I joined Intelligent Vision Group as a Postdoc at Tsinghua University.

Jun, 2023

Recognized as "Outstanding Graduate of Beijing Municipal Ordinary Institutions of Higher Education (Ph.D.)" and "Outstanding Graduate of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Ph.D.)"!

May, 2023

Defended my PhD Thesis!

May, 2023

One paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence! (SCI, CCF A, Impact Factor: 24.314).

Mar, 2023

One paper (GPCA) has been newly selected as ESI Highly Cited Papers (Top 1% of papers in the academic field).

Feb, 2023

Two papers accepted by CVPR 2023! (CCF A Top Conference)

jan, 2023

Our Fine-grained-Visual-Analysis-Library is released. [Code] [Document]


nov, 2022

One paper (Mutual-Channel Loss) has been selected as a cutting-edge academic achievement in Beijing!

nov, 2022

One paper accepted as an Oral presentation at AAAI 2023! (CCF A Top Conference)

Nov, 2022

Received BUPT Ph.D. Students National Scholarship!

Oct, 2022

Grant a U.S. technology invention patent!

Aug, 2022

One demo paper accepted by IEEE MMSP 2022!

Aug, 2022

One paper accepted by VCIP 2022!

Jul, 2022

One paper accepted by ACM MM 2022! (CCF A Top Conference)

Mar, 2022

One paper (Mutual-Channel Loss) has been newly selected as ESI Highly Cited Papers (Top 1% of papers in the academic field).


Nov, 2021

One paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence! (SCI, CCF A, Impact Factor: 24.314)

Oct, 2021

One paper is recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents) in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

Aug, 2021

One paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence! (SCI, CCF A, Impact Factor: 24.314)

Aug, 2021

One paper accepted by VCIP 2021!

Aug, 2021

One paper accepted by MLSP 2021!

Jul, 2021

One paper accepted by PRCV 2021!

Mar, 2021

One paper accepted by ICME 2021!

Mar, 2021

One paper accepted as an Oral presentation at CVPR 2021! (CCF A Top Conference)

Jan, 2021

One paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing! (SCI, CCF A, Impact Factor: 11.041)


Nov, 2020

One paper titled "Your "Flamingo" is My "Bird": Fine-Grained, or Not" released on ArXiv! [Paper] [Code]

Oct, 2020

Awarded as an Excellent PhD student by the Beijing Association of Automation!

Oct, 2020

One paper accepted by ICPR 2020 Second Round!

Oct, 2020

One paper is recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents) in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

Sep, 2020

One paper is recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents) in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

Aug, 2020

One paper is newly recognized as Popular Documents (the 50 most frequently accessed documents) in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

Aug, 2020

One paper accepted by Journal of Signal Processing!

Aug, 2020

One paper accepted by Journal of Graphics!

Aug, 2020

Obtained Scholarship from China Scholarship Council (CSC).

Jul, 2020

One paper accepted by ECCV 2020!

Jun, 2020

Grant a Chinese technology invention patent!

Jun, 2020

One paper accepted by NEUROCOMPUTING!

Jun, 2020

One paper accepted by ICPR 2020 First Round!

May, 2020

Obtaining a funding project from the BUPT Excellent Ph.D. Students Foundation.

Apr, 2020

One paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing! (SCI, CCF A, Impact Factor: 11.041)

Mar, 2020

One paper titled "Mind the Gap: Enlarging the Domain Gap in Open Set Domain Adaptation" released on ArXiv! [Paper] [Code]

Mar, 2020

One paper accepted by ICME 2020!

Feb, 2020

One paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing! (SCI, CCF A, Impact Factor: 11.041) see CSIG for media coverage.


Dec, 2019

Received the First-Class Scholarship for the Outstanding Ph.D. Student Reserve Program at BUPT!